We’re trusted by generous donors

Illuminate Hope

We believe in transforming lives together

Our mission is simple yet profound – to bring happiness and a brighter future to the Muslim community, especially the lives of children. We believe in the power of collective compassion, and we invite you to join hands with us. Your contribution, no matter the size, plays a vital role in making a difference.

Your support is the key to our shared vision for a happier and brighter tomorrow.


Empowering Futures.

With gratitude for our donors and the Muslim community's hope, OREF is dedicated to empowering everyone for a brighter future. Every contribution spark hope, weaving a narrative of progress and a brighter future. Join us in this transformative journey, where kindness becomes a beacon lighting the way to empowerment for all.

Al Bayan Academy: Nurturing Minds, Powering Futures.

OREF is launching the Al Bayan Academy, a school with a mission. Designed to start soon, it's not just about education but shaping young minds. Al Bayan Academy aligns with OREF's goal of empowering Muslim communities through education. Our focus goes beyond academics – we're here to empower children, ensuring they thrive both in education and as compassionate individuals.

OREF introduces a first Muslim High School, a heartfelt initiative in our Muslim community. Focused on nurturing faith and empowering dreams, it's more than a school—it's a beacon of education, illuminating bright futures.

  • Education

  • Empowerment

  • Community Uplift

  • Brighter Futures

  • Well-rounded Individuals

Empower Achievements: With OREF,<br>your support propels the journey toward a brighter tomorrow.

Join the Journey
to Provide Education to Children

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